Saturday, April 14, 2007

March 26 Lasar 6th c.

John and Thommy

good morning
i love you

our irish saints, almost all from the 5th and 6th c, seem to often cluster - less than seven steps to kevin bacon; with our irish saints, it seems like there were only two steps to a Kiernan and maybe only four to Patrick. it's so important with whom you give your time; not only what you give also how and what you receive....

Lasar. a virgin. no small deal now; a bigger deal for a 6th c. irishwoman. the irish princess warrior was/is an ideal/expectation. the madonna of heroes and tribes. so a virgin; giving oneself totally and exclusively to God. no doubt married people, espicially in the sacrament of their marriage, not only give themselves to God, but also personify his Love. virginity is another sign of commitment, of honesty, of integrity. then chastity in marriage if that is your vocation....

Lasar, niece of st Fochera. [neither of whom make the online catholic encyclopedia...]

Lasar at Clonard. under the tutelage of Kiernan and Finan.

it does matter with whom you hang out.
it does matter in whose hands you place your education, your development.
it does matter where you do all this.
McGuinness would be/woulda been better than gds.
not everyone at clonard were virgins or became monks;
but all were better for the opportunity than those not there.
faithful fulfillment is not an afterthought nor should it excluded from the criteria for any choice...

we know what and where and with whom for Lasar.
fill in your own blanks for her.
she's worth at least a short story, ya think?

i love you


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