Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 8 John Felton d. 1570 bl. 1886

John and Thommy

Good morning
I love you


I didn’t see a saint for today that meets our criteria. And since tomorrow has Dominic, I figured I’d reach ahead and pull up John Felton today and probably get to Dominic too….

Last night I sat outside on a patio for dinner - and had a couple of guys on guitar and vocals singing until about eleven. Salmon is not a fish I’d have said a few years ago would be on my eat list. Pink fish – no thank you. But, I was wrong then. This pink fish is tasty and has a mighty fine texture and very nicely carries several ways to cook it. Yum and a half. That plus three gin and tonics made for a relaxing evening eating and listening. Then I got home and took my pain med and was zonked until almost seven. [pain med for continuing residual from root canal. More tender than on Monday before the dentist was seen. But this afternoon, it’s ok. I may even try chewing on that side tonight?]

And you?
What’s up? What are you doing? Whom with? Fun? Challenges? Sorrows? Pride? Worries? Excitements? And all the dad questions. Summer is coming to a close very fast. You’ll see the blog sign probably the last week of august. Unless you’ve got a response that’ll change my mind? A better way to be present and communicative and … honorable….

I love you

August 8

Saints and angels on line
Catholic encyclopedia online

Bl. John Felton d. 1570 beat. 1886

This is another name and date that should give you a picture of the man and his ascendancy to sainthood. England in the sixteenth century – not a place to be Catholic, especially a visible Catholic, one who stood up for the Papacy. 1570 England and Queen Elizabeth I – anti Catholic place lorded [ladied] over by the anti-Catholic queen. But, hey, being a visible Catholic in Greensboro, especially on a college campus or in an other anti Catholic arena, especially being a Catholic who stands up for our Papacy with yourself, your homemates, your classmates, …. Definitely a challenge to be who you are wherever you are….

John Felton was born in London [Bermondsey]. John Felton was born into a wealthy family so we can assume he was no fool, well positioned, well educated – and a Catholic who stood publicly for his faith and religion and the personification of those, the Pope – Pius V at that time.

Pius Vth had had about enough of dear Queen Elizabeth and her suppression of Catholicism and absconding with Catholics’ land and money and her persecution of Catholics…. But what is a Pope to do against the monarch of one of the, if not the, most powerful country on earth? Without a papal army or papal navy, what could he do to insist the minimally allow coexistence. What can today’s Pope do against secularism, materialism, relativism? Or against those people who not only proselytize their own solipsistic faith but suppress/persecute ours? See what Bernard is doing. Read what he is writing as Pope – then try some of his Ratsinger writings.
Pius couldn’t persuade Elizabeth nor could he find some other levers among the Catholic principalities. So he played his trump card. He excommunicated her. If Catholicism weren’t right; if Catholicism weren’t important to her, essential to her, then her being excommunicated should not have mattered one whit! But it really ticked her off – who is anyone to tell her what is right or wrong, what is truth and what is not? [ever ponder such questions?] ….

But this is John Felton’s story. John Felton’s wife had been Queen Mary’s maid of honor [Queen Mary, the Catholic Queen] and Queen Elizabeth’s playmate. John Felton knew the Queen; this was a personal matter moreso I would think than one of loyalty to Pope conflicting with loyalty to one’s Queen….

Remember what Martin Luther did when he wanted to make his point? Or was it 95 points? He didn’t blog it nor facebook it…. But posted it on the door of the castle church, the town’s bulletin board. John Felton wanted to make his point and the Pope’s point in a similar fashion. He nailed a copy of the Bull of Pope St Pius V’s excommunicating Queen Elizabeth on the doors/gate of the bishop of London’s residence! Not a subtle message to the Queen or the Bishop or more importantly to the Catholics of London and most importantly the apostates of the church of England – if the queen would be excommunicated, just think what will happen to the peons!

John Felton was arrested and racked three times even though he proudly confessed to the dastardly deed… then he was martyred in St Paul’s churchyard. Sounds so sterile. Imagine being hung, in the churchyard! Cut down while still alive. Quartered (guts splayed onto the dirt) – still alive. And the hangman taking your heart from your chest…. We are each threatened with martyrdom for our faith – from scorn to ostracization to emotional blackmail to to to …. Maybe John Felton’s reveling in the rack is an image to hold on to when it feels difficult to be who you are, Catholic….

I love you


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