Saturday, December 18, 2010

January 9, Baptism of the Lord

January 9
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

RE: witness to the Gospel of Life

It is unseemly to see the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops acting like the Political Action Committees of the SEIU and the Chamber of Commerce.

Throughout the intense 2010 debate about healthcare laws and policy in this country, our bishops and the USCCB were in the papers, on the tv, speaking and writing to Congress and the President, and exhorting us Catholics to engage in the debate.

We also saw important Catholic organizations oppose the Bishops’ positions on key Life-related elements in the legislation. This public conflict within our Church essentially revolved around abortion: whether the legislation required abortion services in the public options and whether public funds would pay for abortions. This political jockeying is not what many of us expect of our religious leaders.

Archbishop Timothy Dolan, President of the USCCB, stated upon his recent election that the USCCB has the proper balance between pastoral and public policy concerns. “Our forte is the realm of the spiritual. But, … the teaching of Jesus and his Church do have implications in every part of life, including the political and economic sphere.

As we prepare to participate in our diocese’s fourth annual March for Life on January 14th in Charlotte, let us take note of our political attention on the evil of abortion. This focus does not ignore the myriad of other causes that also require our efforts. However, our commitment to the protection of the unborn is a vital priority.

We cannot practice the Gospel of Life only as a private piety. This Sunday, The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Isaiah declares: “He shall bring forth justice to the nations,
not crying out, not shouting.” Isaiah goes on, “He will not grow faint, he will not be crushed.”

To resurrect our country into the Gospel of Life, we must vigorously and publicly witness to the Truth. We each have our charism to bring to bear in the defense of innocent life. In addition, we all can walk. Participate in the Mass for Life then join the March for Life in Charlotte. We all can pray. If you cannot be in Charlotte, go to Mass in your parish and make it your own Mass for Life; later, step outside your home/place of work at noon on the 14th and pray the rosary in solidarity with the Diocese of Charlotte.

Our forte must be the realm of the spiritual. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to bring forth justice for the unborn in the commonweal. We have the obligation to restore legal protection to the lives of our unborn children. We have a duty to align our beliefs and actions. We should persuade our elected officials to support pro-life legislation. We should participate in the Bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities (

Let our country see all of us advocating the Gospel of Life. Pray. March. Advocate. Help get our bishops out of the political arena and more often tending to the spiritual needs of our Church.


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