Tuesday, January 18, 2011

0207 William Richardson d. 1603

Thom and Jack,
Good morning, I love you
110117, 2153

A rainy night – I love listening to the rain on the skylight [words aren’t coming to me as quickly or as creatively as they once did]. I turn off the heat pump to stop the rushing white noise – my ND sweat shirt and pants keep me plenty enough warm.

When you get a Mass card for Grandpa’s brother, send it to him asap; he’s soon on his way to Florida until March. After his two stays in the hospital, he’s weakened by the atrophy of bedrest – man, do I know that feeling. But, he’s walking around the house, doing the treadmill, getting out for errands so he’ll be in shape for six weeks on the beach. The clock is winding down…

Still spinning around my head and prayers – Mark, purgatory, communion of saints, vocation. Mostly vocation. If the call is a continuing and developmental experience with God, not only does that apply to you – thus my Monica like hope and persistence – does it not also apply to me? If Grandpa and Uncle Frank are a reasonable threshold, there’s at least another 20+ years in these bones. That’s longer than some careers. What is God calling on me to do now? For this stretch of the journey? Plenty of time to pay it forward….

Tonight was two in a row for exercise. It’s a bummer remembering what I could do only a short while ago. And if it’s one week per one day of atrophy, man, I’ll need all those twenty years to undo what I’ve done to myself. But, two days in a row is good. Eat right, exercise, and live like an ant, never like a grasshopper.

February 7

Bl William Richardson 1603

William Richardson, not the governor of New Mexico, former ambassador to the UN, and general trouble shooter for democratic presidents. Until he took up with Obama’s agenda and win no matter what pursuit of their elitist and purist [and failed but victorious-so-far] agenda, I’d say I was a fan of the Mexican American [thus Catholic, I bet] leader of New Mexico.

Blessed William Richardson, as you should have guessed already, is a Martyr of England.

William Richardson was born in Sheffield. William Richardson studied for the priesthood at Valladolid and Seville, Spain, receiving ordination in 1594. In order to follow his vocation, not unlike many people, starting with the first disciples, William Richardson had to leave home. It is not unlikely that you’ll have to do the same to truly discern your vocation. I read an article in the recent News Herald by a bishop who, as a young man struggling with the potential of being called to the priesthood was given this advice - - first, you have to decide if you’re going to be a Catholic, the rest is easy.

William Richardson – I’m not sure if he were born Catholic, though if he weren’t I’m betting the bioblurb would have said so – throughout his life in persecutorial England had to renew his choice to answer the call to be Catholic. Public tortures and hangings and Catholics being drawn and quartered for being good Catholics I suspect made him think twice – like twice a day – whether he was going to respond yes to the call to be Catholic, to the indelible mark of the Holy Spirit on his soul.

And you think being Catholic is a tough choice? A choice made by you? A done deal unraveled? The secret of a father’s love is that a father’s love is forever, no matter what; because it is a Gift of The Father’s Love.

William Richardson was sent back to England, where he used the name Anderson. He was called and then he was sent. The question is not ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’ THE question is, ‘what do you believe God is calling you to be, to do?’ Will you be faithful to who you are, to your creator, to the gift of your creation?

William Richardson was soon arrested and executed at Tyburn by being hanged, drawn, and quartered. And what were the English afraid of? Their lashing out against priests and lay Catholics was ferocious not because they were strong, confident, and right. Your rejection of your baptismal call and your confirmation is not because you are smarter now or because you are holier or because you have properly discerned a new way.

Oro pro vobis.

I love you,


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